{ Unpopular Andy }

Some time ago (a little over a year now) I pitched an animated show idea to some development folks at Nick. Since then I've continued, in my spare time, to develop and fine tune its characters and story.

This is the main character below- or at least this is his most current incarnation.


Lauren said...

Awesome! Love your recent stuff, man! And might I add, that's a fabulous rendering of the Guitar Hero controller!

kaNO! said...

Awesome Chris, I'm a big fan of this one. Guitar hero is so 2006

Carly Monardo said...

Oh man, that's fantastic! Love the colors and LOVE those boots!

Chris Battle said...

Wow-- I really wish this show had happened, if only so it would torture my friends named Andy.

roque said...

These are so good!

Robin said...

Guitar Hero!! I just came upstairs to take a small breather from it - hard is so intense!

That's really great, though, best of luck with the development and future pitch, Chris

paublo said...

love it man.. this is great!!

D said...

I really dig it Chris! Can't wait to see more!

Mega said...

nice work chris, this is looking great, cant wait to see more!

hows the 40 coming?

Martin Wittig said...


Unknown said...

Sooo many cool new awesome works!

bsleven said...

Like your design work.

: )

Erin Hicks (Chaska Ñawi) said...

Guitar Hero?!?! What a waste of time!- ha ha ha ;p. . .nice work Chris George~ as always!

Chris George said...

Thanks, everybody! I'm glad you like him.

- Carly, those boots are real too! Some guy who works in my building is always walking around with those boots & rolled-up pants. Thought they were rad so I swiped 'em for Andy!

- Chris B, keep your fingers crossed. Your Andy-friends just might still have days of torture and ridicule ahead of them.

- Robin, you are apparently better than I at guitar hero. Despite my love for the game, I haven't gotten past intermediate. It shames me.

Unknown said...

your design style is out of control cool.

Rade said...

Rock on!

mikecarloooyeah said...

This is real tight Chris! Awesome stuff.

PotatoFarmGirl said...

I think Andy is popular, 'cause he is cool looking and plays guitar hero.

Unknown said...

Nice lookin' blog CHRISGEORGE! its all in my face! Sweet drawing.! He looks like so many people i used to know. I hope the pitch went well.

Erin Hicks (Chaska Ñawi) said...

That's right. . .ha ha ha- You didn't lie to me! I did see this post, I just couldn't remember! Honest! ;p So. . .Chris George. . .how come you haven't checked out mine? Does the distance divide our friendship so?!

chris chua said...

beautiful pose and expression! I'm such a big fan of your art!!

Uncle Phil said...


Giuseppe Bianco said...

This came out great, Chris. I love it.

Kyle Marshall said...

Love this sketch, design looks great!