{ Long time, no post... }

It's been a while since I posted something here. I'd like to change that.

Here's a rough color-test for Sheena. She's not so much on-model here. I'm just trying to work out the color, and the style- trying to keep it simple without being cartoony. Kind of taking a page, visually, from the last Lucas I did. The Sheena head sketch at bottom right is probably the closest to the final design in my head.

More to come...


PotatoFarmGirl said...

I like her outfit! Yea! More Sheena and Lucas!

Martin Wittig said...

Chris-- Nice!!! I really like these!Happy New Years:)))

George Cwirko-Godycki said...

i think these colors are really working good

kaNO! said...

Nice CG, keep up the great work and the posting, happy 07 btw.

Unknown said...

cooool awesome character!

Jared Deal said...

yeah man... i love these characters!!! more!
i think i'm a fan of the rounder face for sheena... i like the one up top.

Jared Deal said...

ya know... actually they're both great!

Mega said...

yo im with jared, this stuffs sick!

geenpool said...

me likey. the green shorts...hot.

Tom Dougherty said...

Nice! These colors are working really well.

Welcome back. I check back often and I'm glad you're back on the blog.

Mike "Mooch" said...

Nice Chris! I've got to be honest though, I love the cute little spunky face for Sheena. I'm not feeling the more angular version of the character. Great drawings all around!

Martin Hsu said...

bad-ass! happy new year!

Unknown said...

I'm gonna totaly ask her out. Dude, fo' realz. She bangin' yo.

Chris George said...

Hey everybody,

Thanks for the comments. I'm glad to see that you all still check back here every now and then. Btw, happy new year!!

-Jared & Mooch, I'm kind of torn between the softer face and the more angular one, myself. Perhaps I can find a way to combine elements of both into the final design. Well, we'll soon find out.


Dan said...

Cool new header man, yeah i agree with Jared and Mooch. Definitley more a fan of the rounder face and "plumper" features she's got goin on.
