{ Sheena is a Punkrocker }

Her name is "Sheena" ( like that Ramones song ). This is still really early in the creative process for me and I'm still searching for the character, but I think I'm almost there. I just have some more chipping away to do. Chip, chip, chip...



Mega said...

thanks for the kind words! i love your drawings, so cool! those prismacolors or what?

PotatoFarmGirl said...

Whoa Cool! I finally started watching Venture Bros. You guys do a fantastic job, it's so funny AND visually appealing.

Chris George said...

Thanks guys!!

Mega, I did these with mostly red col-erase pencils and various tria markers. The framed one does have a black prisma color line though.

Potato farm girl, I'm glad you've had a chance to check out VB. Hopefully, you'll catch tonight's episode, as it's one of my favorites- and in my opinion, one of our best.


kaNO! said...

cool!, but whats up with the archie nose?

Chris George said...

Thanks... Hey, what did Archie noses ever do to you?

Gnarfdeath said...

she's awesome, her hair rocks!!

Alisa said...

I really like the center one, great colors and expression!

Alisa said...
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tara nicole said...

coooool! i heart your drawings :)